Thursday, May 3, 2018

Secondary Site Clients are All Inactive and Offline

This is how it happened. The SCCM was recovered from a bad backup with only the Primary Site SQL mdf and ldf files. The SCCM Site Status, Component Status, Site Hierarchy, and  Database Replication indicated that the SCCM is functioning properly without any error. After sometimes, we noticed the Client Activity rates from the Monitoring had went down to nearly 40%. Further checking showed that clients in some Secondary Site Collection were all inactive and offline.


I went through some of the logs and came across MP_Framework.log in Secondary Site SMS_CCM\Logs folder. It was “bleeding” non-stop! Full or error! From the log, it shows MPDB Error with error code 0x80004005, and the description is “Invalid connection string attribute”


Since this is related to SQL, I checked both the Secondary Site SQL Express and also the Primary Site SQL. From the checking I found out that the Secondary Site Machine Account is missing from the Primary Site SQL Login. The Secondary Site Machine Account is not listed under the Logins (Red Arrow)


Here’s the resolution:

I manually create the Secondary Site Machine Account (hostname) login with the SQL Command below:

Create login [Domain\SecSiteMachineAccount$] from windows;


F5 refresh the Logins and then you’ll be able to see the Secondary Site Machine Account created.

Go to the Secondary Site Machine Account Login Properties and map the login to SCCM Primary DB and grant the “smsdbrole_MP" role


Just simply make the login a sysadmin server role.


Once that being done, the MP_Framework.log immediately stop bleeding and after a while, the computers shows active and online in the console.



I hope this post could help you and bring you joy! Thanks for reading!


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